Solo Session

A Signature Offering by Jess Perlman, Keeper of The Hollow

Private 90-Minute In Person or Virtual Session in The Hollow for New, Current or Returning Clients.

Where healing and magick meet.

In this private 1:1 session, Jess Perlman serves as your spiritual consultant, psychic medium, Reiki Master, witch and interpreter, delivering messages from your personal spirit guides, in service of your highest good. Some who embark on a Solo Session have a goal in mind, like cleansing and clearing stuck energy, healing a relationship (with someone who is deceased or living), or even calling in a new vision. Others who come through are guided by sheer curiosity, a spirit of mystery guiding them into The Hollow. What’s the flavor of your nudge? What is calling you into The Hollow at this time of your life?
Let’s commune in this sacred space, darling. You ready?

Take the next step

If you’re interested in scheduling a Solo Session or would like to gift Solo Session to a new, current or returning client of The Hollow, please email me through my contact page. Thank you, darling!

Celebrate. Grieve. Heal.

Solo session invites you to bring your full, authentic experience into the light.

Are you wanting to connect with a loved one who has transitioned, but don’t know where to start?

Do you want to connect with your spirit guides, and receive their support as you navigate this chapter of your life?

Are you ready to receiving cleansing, healing or a clearing?

Do you need help catalyzing new movement and energy in your life, to fuel your dreams, life’s vision and create strong foundation for your desired reality to take hold?

Are you seeking spiritual guidance and psychic messaging so that you can access new levels of clarity and receive support looking under the hood of whatever seems murky, confusing, or not yet understood?
If any of this resonates, you are in the right place.

My signature offering, Solo Session, answers these questions (and then some).

Clients report a leveling up, greater clarity, spot on psychic guidance, detoxification, manifestation and expansion often after just one session.


Solo Session

In this Signature Offering, your spirit guides and Jess Perlman use a range of potent spiritual tools that unify healing and magick in support of your soul’s aligned evolution. This is a great place to start in The Hollow, if you want to dip your toes in. It’s also the perfect place to come back to, as needed. Tap into an approachable, soothing, inviting, and even playful flavor of mediumship. Be held in a collaborative, empowered and versatile space: be more active, bringing your questions, intentions and creativity; or take a more passive stance, receiving energy healing and surrendering to the mystery of The Hollow. Trust the spontaneity of this space, and know that I’m here to meet you where you are. Anything is on the table, including:

- Grounding, breathwork, meditation techniques and guided meditation -

- Reiki healing -

- Chakra tuning -

- Cord Cutting Ceremonies -

- In depth Tarot readings -

- Candle magick, invocations, incantations -

- Crystal programming -

- Spiritual Counseling -

- Mentorship on ceremonies, spiritual tools and ritualistic living -

- Channeling, interpreting and translating guidance from spirit -

- Journaling, synchronicity tracking, intuiting training -

Welcome to Solo Session. I’m Jess, your spiritual guide and keeper of The Hollow.

I am a Medium, Jewitch, Reiki Master and keeper of The Hollow, known best for my uncanny accuracy, and revered for the sacred, safe container I offer courageous seekers. I allow my clients to truly relax, receive, integrate and transform. 

In addition to mediumship and Reiki, I combine multiple healing modalities including crystal work, tarot, candle magick, cord cutting rituals and breath work, making The Hollow a very dynamic, distinct space to support your personal growth and clarity.

I hold your healing journey with deep respect. In The Hollow, I create safe conditions so that you can go deep into the mystery, with courage and trust. My integrity, masterful facilitation skills, safe practices and ability to hold dark topics with a loving, light touch are undoubtedly what makes me magnetic and rare in the realm of metaphysical healing. Clients report a leveling up, greater clarity, spot on psychic guidance, detoxification, manifestation and expansion often after just one session.

In Solo Session, I will serve as your spiritual consultant, psychic, Reiki Master, witch and interpreter, delivering messages from your personal spirit guides and creating a supportive space for you to gain clarity, heal and manifest. In service of the highest good, my goal is to help you tap into the metaphysical realm and embrace spiritual resources on your journey of healing and transformation. I walk these grounds with confidence, comfort and familiarity. I want you to know that, when you travel with me in The Hollow, you are tethered. You can journey and go deep.

If you’re ready to break open your limits, and courageously step into the unknown, then keep reading.

Solo Session offers you a highly potent space to gain clarity, move through blockages and inner resistance, and unlock new levels of intention, action and alignment. This is a space that collapses time in service of your healing and expansion journey. The insight and clarity that emerges for my clients is FAST and potent. I uniquely fuse together the healing power of reiki and the potent, accelerating potential of magick to facilitate this level of support and transformation for my clients. Whether you’re feeling confused and desiring more inner clarity, seeking closure, healing from pain and old wounds, wanting to repair relationships (deceased and living), or want to move forward with greater inner trust, courage, confidence and self-worth — this space will hold you with the utmost care and custom support. My spiritual tool kit is diverse, vast, and intuitively unfolds in your session.

“Jess and the Hollow have held me through it all.

We’ve cut cords to old ideas, called in abundant futures, channeled ancestors + past-life lovers, removed toxic energy from my physical body during a cycle of intense illness, and I’ve even visited the Hollow with my romantic partner to see what was up next for us in our relationship.

But, more impressive than any of the externals of what’s come from investing with Jess is how much the work in the Hollow is focused on giving each visitor their own set of tools to take with them long after a session completes. Working with a practitioner like Jess isn’t about forming a dependence on her for “the answers” but instead has empowered me to look at all of the ways I connect to my own well-spring of magic. Trusting the leap into this kind of work can be really scary — I definitely identify as a skeptic and, yet, Jess brings a huge sense of safety to everything she does. Her gentleness and compassion are unparalleled and yet, somehow she always serves it straight.

A deeply skilled, deeply intuitive channel, Jess is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to move more consciously through this life. I know I will be a visitor to the Hollow as long as I’m on this plane — and perhaps even thereafter!”

-Kait Schuster

You’ll walk away with

This is for you if…


You’re a new, current or returning client of The Hollow.


You are a new, current or returning client and you’re ready for guidance. You are met with grace and acceptance wherever you are on your spiritual path and on this journey of continued support.


You’re curious.


Curiosity is an essential element to bring with you as you enter. You’re curious and open to the magick of The Hollow. Perhaps you want to gain clarity about a past event, or you hold an inquiry within that needs space and support in order to reveal more. Maybe you’re feeling inspired and want to call in a new vision for your future. May curiosity accompany you as you bring these inquiries into The Hollow to be massaged, held, supported and seen.


You’ve tasted magick before.


You’re someone who has dabbled in practices or worked with other practitioners before within the realm of metaphysical healing. You feel a calling here, guided by curiosity, interest and even necessity to explore the potential of the metaphysical healing path.


You’re a fellow practitioner of the unseen arts.


You’re seeking confirmation and healing at this time of your life. In Solo Session, Jess Perlman will meet you where you are on your spiritual path, bringing forth the distinct magick of The Hollow in support of your continued work in this domain.

What Clients Are Saying

“What brought me to working with Jess was the intuition that it was time to begin embarking on a journey with her to help look inside myself.

We informally met once through mutual friends and immediately we knew there was some sort of connection and that I was picking up on some energy around her. She placed her hands on me to help ground me and I immediately felt a sense of warmth, kindness, and attentiveness. I also felt somewhat of another planetary physical state of being that made me aware of the fact that we were tuned in. I arrived into her space weeks later in a more official capacity in order to receive her gifts of spiritual guidance and Reiki.

Often in my life I have been attracted to certain places, people, and energies just based on a feeling or intuition, and I was right again this time. When I began working with Jess I arrived at a moment when I felt completely ungrounded and burnt out creatively in my field.

On top of it I was undergoing major stress and grief surrounding the death of my beloved grandmother. She picked up on all of it, including many details that would be impossible to know unless, well, you had those sorts of abilities! I was really moved to tears. What has been beautiful about our work so far over the course of several sessions with Jess is that for the first time in my life when seeking out this sort of guidance and spiritual help, I was finally more open to the fact that the answers lie within me.

She has the ability to delve in deep and also provide answers, but what she really promotes is for me to use my own intuition to try and arrive at an answer or decision rather than spoon feeding it to me. I have really needed that in my life because for so many years I have been looking for external validation. What is more is that when I arrive into Jess’s space I am able to let my guard down and enter a sacred space where I feel held in a way that I have craved so much. She has a motherly energy about her and I feel held and supported in a safe environment where I am free to feel all my emotions and shed all the tears. Simply put, one of the major reasons I return to her is to be able to enter another realm where I can just BE. Beyond the emotional, her practice feels very holistic and full, meaning she is able to capture the various experiences occurring within you all at once and deliver the messages via the emotional and the physical manifestations. She can pick up on what different parts of my body are saying and even of those around me. It is a vessel of sorts. It is like multi channels all working at the same time in one large engine of sorts.

In terms of the Reiki, I have felt realigned over and over in our sessions. I return because I need tuning and more work. There's no such thing as a quick fix in life. There was one time after a session where I felt a bodily shift like I’ve never felt before. All from just her placing her hands on me for nearly 90 minutes! We are still in the midst of our work and much is to still be revealed, but I will say I have become more attuned to my needs, my inner struggles, and I have a better idea of the transition period I am in now. I struggle with major anxiety and working with her has been helping me see what my major work entails. Through her psychic guidance work I have also been given a glimpse into what may lie ahead as I go through my grief and healing process to try and move forward in my journey within my own craft and profession. Some of it scares me because change is difficult, but I am trying to be open to it because what used to get me by no longer serves me.

I had fears of not being able to handle this work, but my fears have been calmed. Jess’s space is a living, breathing Container of love and healing.

I have never worked with anyone that works as a Medium or channel to other realms with loved ones who have passed. What blew me away and opened my mind was that that actually exists and is a possible modality! I was so worried about what I may hear or that I would not be able to handle the experience out of fear and anxiety. What I learned was that I am able to and that she was able to connect with some of my loved ones and provide me and confirm details that truly astonished me. Through this I have been able to move through grief. I even noticed it in our last session. The tears that unleashed were of a different nature than that of the initial raw ones in our previous sessions. I could feel the subtle shifts that had occurred. Grief is non linear of course.

What I hope to gain moving forward in my work with Jess is to begin to unpack more of the sense of loss I have felt in my life, to honor it, but more importantly how to truly and finally move past it and not hold on. To be able to move past the old script and programming that was somehow etched into me. And to stop apologizing to the world and carrying around the guilt like a dead weight. Release, release, release.

If someone were to ask me if I would recommend working with Jess I would say that you will be moved to tears by the power that comes through in her work. Jess is giving, so talented, committed to her practice, and generous.

Release, release, release.”


The Investment

One Pay:$350 or Two Pay:$175

Darling, if you are a current or returning client in The Hollow, or you’ve completed Coven Quest or Metamorphosis (or would like to gift a Solo Session to a current or returning client of The Hollow), then please email me. From there, I’ll support you with scheduling your Solo session or gifting it to someone else. Thank you!


  • No supplies needed in order to get started! As we work together, you’ll develop clarity about what tools, resources and supplies you may want to integrate into your spiritual tool kit.

  • If you’re trying to prove something, cause harm or manipulate others, then this service is not for you. We do NOT do manipulative magick in The Hollow, nor do we work with toxic positivity. This is personal, positive magick, with the intention to hold the dark, light and everything in-between with respect and integrity.

  • Stewarded by Jess Perlman (Medium, Jewitch, Reiki Master and keeper of The Hollow) this is the universally protected energetic sacred space designed for you to commune with spirit and receiving channeled healing. This is a space soaked in ritual. Get ready to receive customized readings, energy healings, attunements, guidance and ritualistic tools to support your optimal living, and your more authentic expression. The Hollow is inclusive, compassionate, virtually accessible and globally available. All curious souls seeking healing, connection, understanding and magick are welcome. Whether you’re looking for greater clarity, transformation, restoration, detoxification, or manifestation, The Hollow is designed to hold you and steward you forward.

  • Scheduling your private sessions is a flexible process. After completing payment and paperwork, you’ll work with Jess Perlman to schedule your 90 minute session at a time that mutually aligns. If you’re new to The Hollow, please get started by Applying for an Alignment Call with me and we’ll go from there. Thank you!

“It's been pretty wild to watch things divinely fall into place, and think "Damn, Jess f'n called it."

I really love working with Jess and I recommend her to any buddy that'll listen to me. Jess has deeply powerful abilities and she shares that with me so generously. In and out of our sessions, Jess constantly reminds me of my own energetic power, my own psychic abilities and connections, and the divinity I hold within me. I feel seen and held by Jess in a way that I haven't experienced with other channelers, reiki masters, or tarot readers - Jess not only "sees" me, but "gets into me" with me, if that makes sense. 

Her mediumship abilities are so very real and legitimate, and offer a world of healing and connection that I can't quite describe. It's been wild that during the sessions that I've had with Jess, I have silently called upon certain passed spirits... and then, moments later, without my saying a word, Jess can tell me exactly who showed up. They come when I call! 

Most recently, I silently called for my passed grandmother, who I anticipated wouldn't really like to chat with me, because she would rather bask in God's love up in the celestial heavens. After about thirty seconds after I silently called for Grandma, Jess said, "There's definitely a grandmother here." I kept silent, but thought "What the heck!? YAS!" Then, Jess said, "She's not really saying anything to you. She's sitting in sunlight and wants to show you sunlight. Does that make sense to you?" Dang, even writing this testimonial, I feel so connected and freaked out (in a good way). There are really no words to express the type of connection this brings me. Through Jess's magical abilities, I am cultivating time-less and space-less relationships and energetic connections with entities in other realms. I don't know how to describe it, but at both aural and deep levels, I feel this connection, and it channels through my art. The connection is always there - Jess simply helps manifest it in this realm, where my conscious self can witness it, (sort of) understand it, and enjoy it. So deeply radical and beautiful. 
Also, Jess's reiki sharing is out-of-this-world. When I receive from her, I can literally feel my energetic body shifting and reverberating. My eyelids vibrate, and energy pulsates up and down my spinal cord. It's beautiful and totally wild. I know reiki is a lot more than a physical, energetic experience, but still... it's super fun. Jess is one powerful reiki master. 

I've been transitioning careers and Jess's intuition has helped me to solidify my choice. She's more than encouraging, because she can intuit internal and external actions I should take in order to make the changes happen that I want to see. Jess has yet to be wrong with a recommendation she gives me. It's been pretty wild to watch things divinely fall into place, and think "Damn, Jess f'n called it."

-Tessa Raye


“I found Jess through a trusted loved one who had recently worked with her and highly recommended  The Hollow. It had been a devastating last year for me - I lost my son at the beginning of the pandemic. More than anything, I felt a desperate yearning to connect with my son, so I booked a session with Jess just weeks before his one year virtual memorial.

I chose to dial in to the zoom session and not show my face which she was totally receptive to. 

Quite a lot of messaging came through and, in my grief and pain, I struggled to process and receive it all. Jess made herself available to me the next day, after our session when it became clear that I needed more support. She took the time to help me reflect on exactly what came through in our session and in this process I received love, understanding and so much clarity.”


“Two pretty uncanny things worth noting that came through the session are:

1. Within the first 15 minutes of the session, Jess channeled my son's hilarious commentary on my silver, sequenced hat I was wearing and his overall take on my clothing style in general - this was a running joke for us. "Dad, you look so gay" to be precise which I remarked was wild because my wife made the exact same remark just earlier in response to the sequenced hat. Again, she could not see me in the session. The session also revealed to me that it was my son's hat I was wearing -- which had been a mystery up to that moment.

2. She mentioned my son knowing that I had been thinking about getting a memorial tattoo for him. Jess tapped her upper, outer arm under her shoulder and the inside of her forearm, explaining that my son was tapping these two places on her body as placement recommendations- she suggested a lion tattoo on the upper, outer arm.  She learned from my son that I personally had no tattoos, no experience with them - through Jess, my son joked about the pain that comes with them and how unprepared I am for it. Jess never met or knew my son - she had never seen his arms, nor mine. I had been thinking about a lion memorial tattoo and perhaps even something else, in both of those locations because my son was tattooed in both of those locations. In fact, he had a lion tattoo in the exact place she suggested I get it. 

I've referred loved ones to Jess since our session and highly recommend working with her. She really took the time and space to meet me exactly where I was emotionally and hold me with gentleness not just through the session, but after it as well.”

-Derek Rydall