My Approach

We do things a certain way in The Hollow, informed by the intersection of my life experiences and transformation journey, as well as the key modalities and tools
I weave together in this distinct healing space.

Spiritual counseling in support of your highest good.


Welcome to The Hollow. I’m Jess, the keeper of this sacred space.

Let’s start at the beginning.

The Hollow was divinely channeled mid-December 2020, during a bleak holiday season the likes of which I figured no one alive had ever seen. A global pandemic, a country divided, a political shit storm traumatizing the nation, California was hotter than hell and burnt to a crisp just months prior- there was a deep knowing of more violence coming soon and a terrifying crisis of faith in humanity in the air, everywhere.

In a moment of powerlessness and depression, I answered the call to provide. Power. Connection. Release. Relief. And Magick. The Hollow is the name of the universally protected energetic sacred space I have access to where I commune with spirit and channel healing. 


What’s the problem I aim to address?

The problem is isolation.

The problem is ancestral trauma and generational dysfunction.

The problem is dis-integration. The problem is external messaging that teaches us not to trust ourselves and certainly not to look inward or to other sacred energies to know ourselves. 

What I Believe

I believe in integration.

I believe in what we see with our eyes closed.

I believe that dark and light exist at the same time and that it’s possible to hold them both, dance between realms with curiosity and protection.

I believe in the highest good of all.

I believe we can cut cords and end toxic patterns in this lifetime with energy healing and magick so as not to recycle old trauma in the next.

I believe our loved ones who’ve passed on can serve as spiritual guides and mentors, and want to. I believe it’s possible to heal energetic beings in multiple realms, simultaneously. I believe it’s possible to release the stories and conditioning that are not authentically or inherently ours and in doing so develop a magnetic connection with our inner compass and revel in the art of creative living. 

I believe that the potential for healing is directly proportional to the safety of the space.

That’s why The Hollow’s number one rule is we work in the highest good of all. Every entity that passes through The Hollow understands this frequency. Because of this, clients report miraculous and truly magickal happenings and healings in The Hollow.


We should work together if ….

Curious souls welcome

The Hollow is for curious souls seeking healing, connection, understanding and magick.

Inclusive across identity, background and realms

The Hollow is inclusive, virtually accessible and globally available. Actually, it’s energetically available to multiple entities in multiple realms. Spirits may receive just as much healing as clients. I aspire to reach communities that suffer greatly from repeated ancestral trauma and generational dysfunction that may not have access to this kind of healing or understand its legitimacy and efficacy. As a self-identifying queer JeWitch, I pride myself on creating a safe space for Jews and LGBTQI+ people.

Desire Transformation

My clients are people who desire transformation, clarity, energetic healing work, communication, as well as loving, safe connection. They want to be seen, held, witnessed and confirmed by me and spirit.


Here’s what clients have to say


What are you waiting for, darling? I invite you to join me in The Hollow.