Client Experiences

Our community answers an inner calling by entering The Hollow,
exploring the depths of their curiosity, pain, and potential.
Curious what might be in store for you?

“Every time I met with Jess in The Hollow for a session, incredible things would happen within 48 hours of working together.”

“I came to Metamorphosis wanting to work on my money wounds and release ancestral trauma around money. I had no idea that this could be achieved through spiritual work, I thought I was doomed to spreadsheets and budgets for the rest of my life. But after a few sessions in The Hollow, I've quantum leaped and healed astronomically, and have become a six figure earner in the last month after integrating the work we did in Metamorphosis.

My favorite part of working with Jess in the Metamorphosis container was that every time we met, I walked away with new actions, rituals, and spells that felt specific to me. Sometimes coaches will give clients canned worksheets or homework items that don't feel like they're specifically tailored to my goals and my needs, but Jess channels things through both her spirit guides and her clients', which makes for incredibly personal systems for me to put into place in my personal life, my business, and my creative endeavors.

If you're a fledgling witch looking for new tools, or a person with a mind full of old stories around self worth, or even a spiritual baddie with over a decade of experience in the healing arts, Metamorphosis will radically shift things for you. Every time I met with Jess in The Hollow for a session, incredible things would happen within 48 hours of working together. I hope you take this plunge. I'm so glad I did.”

-Rivkah Reyes
Metamorphosis Client


“I walked away clear about what kind of creative and theatrical fulfillment I needed moving forward…”

“I booked a session with Jess at The Hollow out of curiosity and a sense of self-loving fun. I didn't have many expectations, but she still far exceeded my hopes and thoughts about what may or may not occur.

The family members who came through the strongest were shocking to me, and Jess' input from them was so spot-on that I felt deep internal healing around those relationships. I was able to tap into the love available from these two family members in its purest form, absent of the conditioned self and generational traumas. It was so beautiful.

Our session and what Jess picked up on from these relatives also opened my eyes to something I had never considered before regarding raising a boy and how healing that would be for me and my whole family. It's too long a story for a testimonial, but know that I will be forever changed by it. In even more layered goodness, I walked away clear about what kind of creative and theatrical fulfillment I needed moving forward-- something I couldn't quite put my finger on before then. As I reflect back on this I can't help but think of what a multi-dimensional and dynamic healing session this was. Go to The Hollow. Give yourself a gift.”

- Jackie Shea, Health, Life and Business Coach
The Hollow Client



“I felt very safe, seen, and validated throughout my time with Jess.”

“I’ve been working on personal growth and radical self love for almost a year before working with Jess. During this time, I had re-established lost connections with loved ones, have been working toward a big career change, and had  added a number of mindfulness practices to my daily routine.

I had been feeling a disconnect with my spirituality, though, I knew I wanted to connect with it further and but I didn’t know the best ways to do that. A close friend of mine had recently worked with Jess, and shared with me how healing that experience had been. 

I’ve always enjoyed sessions with mediums and I feel a deep fondness for all things spiritual, but I have never had such a meaningful session as the one I had with Jess. When she asked me to reach out to any of my spirit guides, I felt called to reach out to my own spirit, my grandfather’s spirit, and my grandmother’s. She communicated with my grandparents, and found that the third spirit was playful and so funny, and recently came to existence. We had connected with my nephew!”

“This is someone who I have felt a deep connection with since he was born two years ago. She confirmed that he and I are soulmates, which felt so true and special, and made sense as to why his spirit showed up when I had reached out for my own spirit. Communicating with these spirits brought me so much joy - I felt so connected with life. I also felt so much love and acceptance through my time with Jess.

Jess also helped me identify goals and areas of my life that I wanted to let go of. I found myself crying tears of pain, joy, and relief throughout our session. It was very healing and lovely. I felt very safe, seen, and validated throughout my time with Jess. I know it is just the beginning for me in my journey, though I plan to return for additional sessions with her and I know that I’ll feel called to do so again in the near future. I would highly recommend sessions with Jess to anyone who is looking to more deeply connect with themselves and with their spirituality.”

- Jess M., The Hollow Client



“Unusual and highly fluid, this session took on a life of its own, as I had hoped.”

The year of Covid brought us many changes .

First my son contacted it, lost work, lost his job and lost his life. 

Then, my partner's brother dies of complications of Covid.  Next, my partner's mother came to live with us for her hospice weeks. 

We both worked very little, but not for not trying.  We were home.  We were grieving and we allowed ourselves the feelings and thoughts that go along with that experience.  Since my son's death at first was surrounded by some unknowns, I sought some clarity and relief of pain through working with Jess at The Hollow.  It was an intuitive choice and she came recommended by someone I respect.  

Unusual and highly fluid, this session took on a life of its own, as I had hoped.  We seemed in the zone of truth and authenticity and possibility.  It became a healing session and I carry with me the wonderful memories of these hours together.  Jess is a special kind of medium, highly tuned in to her frequency or experience and very capable of communicating the messages.

Very pleased, I have recommended her to many folks. 

You don't have to have lost someone to enjoy and learn from Jess.  If you have an instinct to try a session with her, just do it.  She is affordable, and fully engaged with just you when she does a session.  It is centering and even fun at times.”

Elizabeth Rydall, The Hollow Client



“Participating in Coven Quest with Jess had a palpable positive effect on my life and sense of self that I still experience on a daily basis.”

“Learning from Jess and the community she created opened me up to myself and the world in ways I previously did not have the tools to imagine. I came to Jess with just the barest inkling of belief in myself as a spiritual person, let alone as someone who could access her own magic. But Jess is such a deeply non-judgmental, emotionally supportive, and richly knowledgeable teacher that she gently but surely led me to a new understanding. Through my time in coven quest I found within myself a power I did not know was there, and began to find answers to questions about that I had long asked. 

As a group we learned concrete information, history, and skills of magic. But Jess also put equal emphasis on fostering a sense of security and joy around owning the magic within each of us. I came into Coven Quest as a cynic full of skepticism and fear -- and left Coven Quest as a cynic who is open to the truth of my own magical gifts, able to access a safety and power within myself that I was previously too afraid to even know was there. 

Jess built and fostered a supportive and warm community of witches at different levels. The group provided care and inspiration to one another which was foundational to the joy and growth we each got from Coven Quest. Jess is a steadfast and comforting leader who placed her trust in each of us. She participated herself in the rituals we held in a way that created an even deeper sense of community, mutual support, and belief. 

Being a part of Coven Quest spurred a spiritual inflection point in my life, and gave me access to a richer plane of communication with myself, and to realms understanding beyond those I could previously see. If you are willing to give yourself over to the process, I cannot imagine a person who would not benefit deeply from Jess’s teachings, spiritual guidance, community building, and formidable gifts. Thank you Jess, for giving me a map to find home in myself and to find home in the world on all its planes. I feel so happy for all the future students that await you.”

- Lio Sigerson
Coven Quest Client



“So many toxic thought processes and habits have been recognized and extracted from my life already,  and in replacement healing as well as ease in approaching conflict.”

“In the recent days since our final session of my three-month Metamorphosis, I have felt overwhelming growth, gratitude, openness, and empowerment reflecting on our work and pondering on how I go forward. First off, I feel so lucky to have been able to work with Jess when I did: going through a number of intense physical, emotional, and relational shifts that required more than my typical mental spiral and closed-off analysis.

While I didn’t necessarily see it at first, realizing how I found comfort in one answer rather than curiosity and exploration of that out of my control was the key to my mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual freedom. So many toxic thought processes and habits have been recognized and extracted from my life already,  and in replacement healing as well as ease in approaching conflict.

I feel empowered to address issues, or at the very least, recognize my tendency and desire to run away from things that scare or exhaust me. I feel that I am on a truly powerful path that has already begun to change my life and will continue to for the rest of it. All of this is thanks to Jess. Her love, curated environment, and healthy work allow me to push boundaries and ask questions that have been nothing short of revolutionary.”

-Chloe Taufer
Metamorphosis Client

  • "A generous spirit and velvety tone that wraps you in comfort and confidence."

    “Jess was wonderful. Recently, a dear friend passed suddenly and I immediately thought to reach out to her. She promptly responded and I immediately knew I made the right decision. She created such a warm and tender space, channeling him, all the while checking in with me to make sure I was alright and processing the information. She is truly gifted, both as a medium but also as a human. A generous spirit and velvety tone that wraps you in comfort and confidence. Thank you Jess, for being so incredibly sensitive and kind. You are truly a blessing.”


  • "Working with Jess has been transformative. "

    “I attended a group session with Jess about unlocking creativity. Immediately afterwards, I wrote the first poem I had written in ages. I also did a private session with Jess as a followup, which was my first time working with a medium. A lot of big changes are on the horizon this year -- I am getting married, just changed careers, and am moving, to name only a few -- and the tarot reading Jess gave me really soothed my anxiety about all the pieces coming together. My grandmother also came through, and the message she had for me was really healing. I was sexually assaulted last year and am involved in a lawsuit against my perpetrator. The message came through that my grandmother was really focusing her love and support of me around this. Now, anytime something happens with my case, I remember that she is there and feel warmth surge through my body. I feel less alone. Working with Jess has been transformative.”

    - Hannah

  • "...if you're not much of a believer, you will become one after a session with her!”

    “I came to Jess because she was recommended by a friend who had nothing but amazing reviews. I felt like I was living my life without much thought - like I was just going through the motions. I wasn't aware that I wasn't really aware of myself and I was slowly starting to gain interest in exploring avenues to start changing that. I'm not religious, but I am lightly spiritual and I believe I found Jess at the right time.

    What I loved about my session with Jess was how open she was. She was very personable and really catered to your needs and wants. The fact that the session is different for everyone tells me she truly pays attention to what's going on with you and makes sure you get what you need. I've seen her twice now and both sessions were extremely different but both felt like it was a specially catered and needed experience.

    I won't lie, before I came to Jess, I was a bit skeptical about everything. I didn't know that I would believe anything she would say but as the session went on, I was pleasantly surprised. Now, Jess can read a lot of things but I didn't believe that she could read minds. So I was surprised when she said things that she possibly couldn't have known which made my experience all the more special. Because of her, I got to meet the one grandmother that passed before I was born that I felt like would have been my best friend had she been alive. Jess has also provided me with incredible insight to my situations and has helped me cope with them in much better ways.

    I would absolutely recommend having a session with Jess because if you're not much of a believer, you will become one after a session with her!”

    -Jess P.

  • "I love Jess's ability to meet you where you are with warmth, humor and realness."

    “My session was at the end of April 2021. Emotionally, physically, spiritually - I felt drained and pulled in several different directions (people pleasing, afraid of what others might think or how they would judge me based purely on my feelings/reactions to things, afraid of not having all the answers/having it all together). I had been taking care of my grandfather with rapidly advancing Alzheimer's 3 days a week and working full time - a lot on my plate. I felt like a sponge for everyone else's emotions and there wasn't room for my own (so much chaos with family and the heartbreaking disease). I felt (feel) underappreciated and underpaid at work, always being "in service of ". My session with Jess actually helped me identify and pinpoint a lot of these feelings as I'd been compartmentalizing and in survival mode for months. In candle magic, saying out loud that I'd like detachment from others' feelings, peace and relaxation and "I am enough" was huge for me. The second two have been a bit harder but detaching my ability to loosen the attachment from others' feelings has actually been really helpful since then. I'm noticing where I end and others begin. The spell may be working!

    I love Jess's ability to meet you where you are with warmth, humor and realness. The Hollow is a safe space to open channels and realize and say what you actually need. In my case, it's a lot of inner child stuff, apparently!

    I was prompted to set up this session because, in spending so much time caring for my sick grandfather, I did feel stuck between worlds (which worlds I'm not sure) so I did want to see if there was insight into that. I was surprised that my childhood dog showed up. That was a nice surprise because my grandpa loved him.

    No fears, just curiosity. Am still curious and would like to dive deeper!

    The stuck between worlds part is what brought me to Jess and The Hollow. I don't believe I figured that out yet but I do think that the release from feeling other people's feelings, while a process, has been a huge weight lifted. There was so much support for my inner child and encouragement to use and exercise my true voice, which are needs I don't think I fully recognized until my session with Jess.

    I would absolutely recommend any session with Jess! I wasn't necessarily looking to connect with anyone on the other side and was more interested in a way-finding session. I did get to connect with and recognize my own sense of spirituality through this session with Jess at the Hollow.

    You are great and I'd love to work with you again!”

    -Siobhan Heneghan

  • "Coven Quest was a fully experiential journey allowing participants to learn, grow, and be fully seen by one another."

    “Coven Quest was a fully experiential journey allowing participants to learn, grow, and be fully seen by one another. This personal challenge for me to step into my magic couldn’t have happened without the other badass group members, the COVEN, who all supported + championed their fellow witches. I was able to learn so much from their prior knowledge, feedback, and lived experience. And of course, Jess, who is able to bring endless knowledge, patience, and love into a space making it truly transformative - this is the real magic IMHO.”

    -Kayla B
    Coven Quest Client


“There is something about Jess' genuine spirit that allowed me to trust her easily, and I am so glad I did because many of the things Jess pulled from my reading have already come true. 

I had been feeling incredibly lost and in need of guidance the first time I reached out to Jess. I had been feeling really discouraged in my personal love life and even though things were ok with my career, I knew that I wanted more. Jess was prompt in setting up time with me which was very much needed at that time and we did a 2 hour session that included candle work, tarot reading, connections with my father and a Reiki session. The accuracy of my Tarot card reading and speaking with my father are something I'm still telling people about the experience months later. Jess told me about so many SPECIFIC things coming my way, and SOON, and she was right!! From my love life to my career - so many new doors opened for me and it was her guidance, kindness and warmth that made me trust my heart with Jess. She did not steer me wrong! 

Jess was incredibly open and kind. She is easy to speak to, makes you feel really comfortable and allows you to tap into yourself in a way that I haven't found with other readings. She is honest and open. There is something about Jess' genuine spirit that allowed me to trust her easily and I am so glad I did because many of the things Jess pulled from my reading have already come true. 

I was really in the search for some answers regarding my love life as I had been feeling really discouraged when I reached out to schedule a session with Jess. She did my reading and assured me that I am on my right path and there wasn't any more that I could be doing, which was really reassuring to hear. Soon after our session, I met someone (after 3 LONG YEARS OF NOTHING) and I do credit Jess with allowing that energy to find me.

Something that surprised me was that my grandmother on my father's side was in The Hollow. I was never close with her while she was alive, but with everything that Jess described, it was most definitely my grandmother. It was actually very lovely to know that even if I didn't feel close to my grandmother on Earth, that she still looks out for me on the other side.”



 “I didn't have any fears outside of just hoping that Jess and I could make a real connection and I would feel like I could trust her. That came VERY easily and almost instantaneously. I was also fearful that I wouldn't gain any answers as my questions were really specific but that wasn't true at all!!

Every question I asked had a very detailed answer the follow and  so many of those things have come true for me in the past few months. 

 I have already recommended Jess to many of my friends and family members (and a couple have already seen her!!). To be truthful, I didn't have to do much swaying because as soon as I told them honestly about my experience, they were all eager to meet with Jess as soon as they could. 

Thank you for sharing your gift with the world, Jess. You have changed the way I see so many things and have reinstated my belief in the power of energy. ”

Manisha Jogia, The Hollow Client


Explore what’s possible

  • "She is there to support your highest good. She explains everything clearly. She takes her time. She's patient with you."

    Before meeting Jess, I was in a pretty sad and hopeless place if I'm being completely honest. I had lost a friend in an accident a few months prior and was finding it hard to go back to my old life without thinking, "so we just exist to then die? That's it?" I was missing my friend a lot and just wanted to connect to him and the universe. To know that even though he isn't in his physical form anymore, that he still is here with me. I had one session with Jess and it changed my outlook on life and death. The reading was magical. It felt aligned with my current state. It brought me hope. It was everything I could have wanted and more.

  • Though I've only had one session with Jess so far, I will absolutely be back because of how warm, inviting, and understanding Jess is. She doesn't judge. She is there to support your highest good. She explains everything clearly. She takes her time. She's patient with you. I absolutely love Jess and am looking forward to having another session with her in the future.

  • I have a specific animal that has presented itself to me as a representation of my friend who has passed. Prior to my reading with Jess, I asked the universe and my friend to present this animal in my reading somewhere as a sign. And low and behold, the animal appeared in my reading with Jess. It solidified the experience for me (among other things).

  • I can't recommend Jess enough. If you're unsure, I say just experience one session with Jess and you will see what I mean. Her spirit and expertise will keep you coming back. She is truly a gift to the world. I am a changed person for the better after just one session with Jess.

    - Rebecca, The Hollow Client


“I think what’s beautiful about these moments is that everything Jess told me in our session I knew in my gut but I needed to be reminded. I needed permission to believe it.”

“The reality is… what did happen was so freaking intense. It was insane. 

What I loved about it? Jess said to put some names out in your head, silently, don’t tell her, just think of them, and I put out a lot of names and was surprised at who actually showed up. I did not expect what was going to be said.

My Grandfather is one of the people who came through. Myron passed away when I was fourteen years old. If I put on glasses, I look exactly like him when he was my age. It was hard to lose him but I was young so I kind of disconnected after that. I didn’t really talk to him much. Until our session. So he came through and what freaked me out the most was, Jess goes, “I don’t know how to say this but he’s sort of flirting with me”. And I go, “yeah. Okay. That’s him! That’s definitely him”. The things she was saying were things he would say. The energy was right. It was the words. Once he was there with us, I remember we would go to other places in the conversation and he would chime in! Jess would laugh and I would think to myself...I’m sure he just said this - and then Jess would say it and I’d be like, yeah of course he said that! It was freaky. How would she know that? It was beautiful.” (Continued…)

“The clarity!”

“My sister came through which was really special. She passed a few years ago. It was really sudden, unexpected and devastating. I felt a very strong connection with her but I sort of felt more connected with her after she passed. So to have Jess tap into that was wild.

The clarity! Jess described the red car that I had in highschool that my sister loved. Jess saw us going fast in the car speeding around this town of ours and delivered the message from my sister how much she loved me in that car speeding around, and how I am the one who got out. My sister and I had many mutual friends die in car crashes speeding too fast. It was beautiful and clarifying. 

Both spirits said through Jess, “use us when you need us. We are here for you. We are here to help”. I think what’s beautiful about these moments is that everything Jess told me in our session I knew in my gut but I needed to be reminded. I needed permission to believe it. I needed her to tell me, the spirits to tell me, the cards... that I’m on the right path and to stick with it. But that was only part of it. The spirit messages.” (Continued…)

“What I did not expect was to have a session that lastingly changed the course of how I was feeling in my life and how I behaved.”

“I had very little experience with Tarot and the candle magic - we set intentions. Jess asked me what I was struggling with. I didn’t like being in the middle. A tumultuous past, a hopefully hopeful future, but stuck in this place of stillness and processing. I was really pissed off, freaked out about where I was gonna live next. Career stuff. I was in turmoil.

Stuff with my son - I’ve held onto guilt, shame and fear. There were all these unknowns.

Throughout the session, Jess helped me line them up, clear away any of the darkness, and let go of the stuff that I knew in my gut I could let go of  but was afraid to because I thought I had to keep beating myself up. I could accept the new stuff, be ready for whatever struggles were to come with a sense of safety, like I AM protected by the universe, source, other spirits and these things. 

From other older experiences I had with mediums, I knew I would have some kind of transcendental moment for a couple of hours or days, but then it would fade and I would go right back to being where I was.

What I did not expect was to have a session that lastingly changed the course of how I was feeling in my life and how I behaved. From that moment on, everything has been different, especially around being in the in-between. And it’s been so much more comforting to me to be here. Safe. Useful. Joyous. It completely shifted the energy. I’ve felt different physically. Lighter. More at peace.”

-Mike Wartella, The Hollow Client


“I have more momentum, more ease, and more joy in the areas of my life that I was asking about in the sessions.”

Before working with Jess, I struggled to feel connected to my ancestors and close family members who had passed on; who I truly wanted to feel were with me, supporting me. I had negative stories in my head about how they might be disappointed in me, or were out of reach. I also wanted to have more guidance, tools, and actions to take for fulfilling desires - career abundance, wanting to move into a bigger place, relief from health concerns. I’m a big believer in using any and all loving sources of input to help me thrive.

The only fear I had about doing the work with Jess was that I could hear something in a session that would open up a flood in me, and I wouldn’t be able to find my way back to center. I definitely cried, and they were tears of happiness, of reassurance that I could let go of the negative stories, to know that I’m deeply loved and cheered on by those so dear to me who aren’t around any more. Jess helped me with how I can access them, and I feel truly lighter knowing that I can reach out whenever I need or want.

The most surprising thing about my Hollow sessions has been the laughter. For me, it wasn’t an overly heavy experience that I needed days to recover from, or that took me out mentally or emotionally. Apparently, my people have jokes, and they are hilarious.

I have more momentum, more ease, and more joy in the areas of my life that I was asking about in the sessions. I have and will continue to highly recommend Jess to anyone interested or curious. She’s phenomenal.

-Toni Robison-May, The Hollow Client



“Working with a practitioner like Jess isn’t about forming a dependence on her for “the answers,” but instead has empowered me to look at all of the ways I connect to my own well-spring of magick.”

“Jess and the Hollow have held me through it all. We’ve cut cords to old ideas, called in abundant futures, channeled ancestors + past-life lovers, removed toxic energy from my physical body during a cycle of intense illness, and I’ve even visited the Hollow with my romantic partner to see what was up next for us in our relationship. 

But, more impressive than any of the externals of what’s come from investing with Jess is how much the work in the Hollow is focused on giving each visitor their own set of tools to take with them long after a session completes. Working with a practitioner like Jess isn’t about forming a dependence on her for “the answers” but instead has empowered me to look at all of the ways I connect to my own well-spring of magic. 

Trusting the leap into this kind of work can be really scary — I definitely identify as a skeptic and, yet, Jess brings a huge sense of safety to everything she does. Her gentleness and compassion are unparalleled and yet, somehow she always serves it straight. A deeply skilled, deeply intuitive channel, Jess is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to move more consciously through this life.

I know I will be a visitor to the Hollow as long as I’m on this plane — and perhaps even thereafter!”

- Kait Schuster, The Hollow Client


Courageous and Supportive Immersion into the Unknown

  • "Her touch and approach is gentle and intentional."

    “Jess's interphase workshop was a calming and introspective experience for me. Through her guidance I was able to explore some corners of my mind that have been needing some well deserved attention for quite a while. Her touch and approach is gentle and intentional. Clear and confident. Which gave me the comfort to freely experience my emotions and desires without judgement or self-criticism and to fully accept the things I dream to come true.

    Additionally, while witnessing her work with another member of the group, I was blown away by her ability to pick up on the specifics and subtleties of a past family member and bring some version of certainty and comfort to the individual involved. I believe you would be doing a disservice to yourself as someone who has come across this page and decided to turn away from the opportunity to experience the gift of Jess Perlman's abilities.”

    -Noah H., The Hollow Client

  • "Jess is, no doubt, an inclusive and empathetic person, as she gets to understand your difficulties and your journey with ease."

    “ Whenever I clicked on my instagram, Jess's post about Interphase workshop came up first, so I was strongly urged by my gut to participate in her workshop.

    One day before her workshop, in my dream, I saw my lovely grandmother, who passed away a few years ago, and was a bit puzzled about her visit in my dream. When Jess started her reading in her Interphase workshop, I already felt that my grandmother would probably be there to meet Jess. I felt goosebump/shaken when Jess called out for me, and shared what she saw/felt. She gave a description of my grandmother and another lady, in Indian sarees and celebrating a wedding in Indian style. This validates that it was actually my grandmother, who came in my dream and is always with me in all of my endeavours both personally and professionally. I am incredibly grateful for Jess to share her authentic reading, especially during the Interphase workshop.

    Jess is, no doubt, an inclusive and empathetic person as she gets to understand your difficulties and your journey at ease. I will definitely work with her for her private reading when I feel called on or ready for her fully. And, she's truly a GEM and kind-hearted person! You will love her!"

    -V.K., The Hollow Client

  • "This is a new way of accessing guides and getting in touch with authentic and meaningful messages that is truly helpful."

    “I LOVE the Hollow and can't wait to visit again! Jess really made me feel comfortable with the process, in which we had some great revelations together.

    Important visitors, like my grandfather, made me feel watched over and taken care of. Jess even found out that he wanted to watch Mel Brooks with me, which made 100% sense knowing him!!!! This is a new way of accessing guides and getting in touch with authentic and meaningful messages that are truly helpful. I highly recommend!”

    -Darren Gold, The Hollow Client

  • " She helped ease many of my fears and give my mind peace..."

    I truly do not have enough in my vocabulary to describe how utterly magical my experience was at The Hollow. There are few people that I trust to be so open and vulnerable with, and Jess is one of those very few people. She has created a space where you can feel at ease knowing you are completely safe, and that your energy is in a pair of truly caring and gifted hands.

    While my experiences were deeply personal and profound, I can share that Jess helped me really confront some of my issues that have been inhibiting me in my personal growth. She helped give me tools to work on these things and also used her energy to help heal and strengthen me more to enable me to help myself better. She helped ease many of my fears and give my mind peace in knowledge that some of my fears are unwarranted and that I will be able to handle anything else that comes my way.

    Additionally, she was able to channel my spirit guides and even some loved ones, and the experience was so powerful that I was shaking with energy and love. She is masterful in how she uses candlework, tarot, and Reiki during sessions - each component is helpful, and she is there to hold you through it all. I cannot wait to have another session at The Hollow, and in the meantime I urge anyone considering a session to run, don't walk in booking an appointment that will change you for the better!

    -Kayla, The Hollow Client

“I was feeling pretty stuck when I first came to The Hollow. I knew what I wanted from my career, but didn't know how to get it.”

“Not much shifted externally (at least not immediately) during my time with Jess, but the work set me on a path toward making the changes I needed to make in my life with clarity and faith. I went from a place of confusion to a place of clear vision, and suddenly found myself trusting my instincts and the unfolding of my life on a whole new level. Today, I am much closer to my vision as a result of this inner-trust and the actions it has helped me to take. 

Jess is warm, so loving, and extremely intuitive. I feel incredibly safe with her, and therefore able to open. The reiki work was particularly healing-- I always left feeling that layer upon layer of stress and dissatisfaction had been removed. I could soften and breathe. 

The tools I learned with Jess continue to support me. I feel more in touch with the natural world and more willing and able to reach out to forces beyond me for help and guidance. As a result, I feel more a part of my world, less alone, more filled with love. I'm very grateful for this change in perspective, and I'm so glad to have found it with the truly magical being that is Jess Perlman.”

Metamorphosis Client


“It’s not just mediumship, or tarot, or Reiki.

It’s a magickal portal to a deep and sacred connection with self and spirit.”

“Of all the practitioners I’ve been to over the years, no one is quite like Jess and the services she provides at the Hollow.

What makes the Hollow so special is that you can’t put it into a box— it’s not just mediumship, or tarot, or Reiki…

It’s a magickal portal to a deep and sacred connection with self and spirit.

Jess creates such a beautiful, safe space and she is so thoughtful in her communication, always asking for consent along the way. Each time I’ve gone to The Hollow, I always leave with something new and deep with lots of excitement to return again soon.”

-Cat Coyne, The Hollow Client


  • "Jess not only 'sees' me, but 'gets into me' with me..."

    “I really love working with Jess and I recommend her to any buddy that'll listen to me. Jess has deeply powerful abilities and she shares that with me so generously. In and out of our sessions, Jess constantly reminds me of my own energetic power, my own psychic abilities and connections, and the divinity I hold within me. I feel seen and held by Jess in a way that I haven't experienced with other channelers, Reiki Masters, or tarot readers - Jess not only "sees" me, but "gets into me" with me, if that makes sense.”

    -Tessa Raye, The Hollow Client

  • "I am grateful I didn’t have certain things I was trying to achieve or reach or feel."

    To be completely honest, I did not know what to expect going into this session with Jess. I kind of like going into things with limited knowledge and minimal expectations, because it keeps me open to new experiences and energies! And WOW. What a truly moving afternoon this was. I am grateful I didn’t have certain things I was trying to achieve or reach or feel. Jess met me where I was at and granted me this moving, beautiful, transformative experience in such an authentic way. I am so grateful I felt moved to sign up to work with her.

    If you are feeling called to this experience, please move your feet and find a time to meet with her. She is an incredible individual who is operating on a higher plane and helping others to do the same. I am so glad I was willing to try something new and join her for a session.”

    -Olivia P. , The Hollow Client

  • A session with Jess at the Hollow is therapeutic, cleansing, spiritual, and loving - the perfect regular salve and/or pathway to the answers you need.

    -Eric Schackne, The Hollow Client

  • "I felt more focused on my wants and my purpose after The Hollow and could set down some of the baggage of daily life."

    “My fiance and I met with Jess the week of our wedding. A wedding, or any large event, can bring up a lot of stress & pressure, The Hollow was a wonderful way to refocus us both back to the purpose of the wedding and connect with family members that had passed. It was a wonderful experience to speak with my grandfather and have him explain he would be a part of the wedding reception and I would feel him during a specific song. Cut to the reception, when at the end of my father's toast, he called my family up with him to sing a song they had written and dedicated it to my grandfather! It's a moment I will never forget.

    Jess and The Hollow made me feel comfortable from the start. It was a wonderful experience and a great way for me to release things I was carrying unnecessarily. I felt more focused on my wants and my purpose after The Hollow and could set down some of the baggage of daily life. I recommend it to anyone who is interested. Jess is the best!”

    -Casey F.

  • "Almost immediately, I could feel the energy in my body begin to shift."

    “When I came to Jess, I was in the midst of a career change. I went into the session with an open mind, but frankly, I didn't know what to expect. Almost immediately, I could feel the energy in my body begin to shift. The whole session was a very physical experience for me. Actually, it surprised me. It was a major release that, well, I needed. Jess' ability to foster safety and trust while delving into deeply personal issues is remarkable. Her insight was on-the-money; it was at times like she was watching a tape from inside my head. She encouraged me to take risks that I wouldn't have taken otherwise, and I'm grateful I did. While aspects of my life remain in transition, my time with Jess helped affirm the things that I do know, serving as anchors to ground me along the way.”

    -Jess Gonzalez

Are you ready to explore, darling?