Coven Quest

A Metaphysical Expedition Designed to Awaken Your True Magick
Led by Jess Perlman, Keeper of The Hollow
Limited to Ten Spiritually Curious Souls

We are embarking on a journey into the shadows of the unknown. I’ve got the lantern.

Over the course of a 90 day cycle, I’ll take you through a process of clarifying, embracing and skillfully using your personal, unique gifts out in the world, in service of the highest good. Get ready to release any lingering doubt, imposter syndrome, or fear when it comes to your spiritual craft. Whether you’re interested in working with spirit guides, ancestors, altars, candle magick, channeling, mediumship, Reiki or even cord cutting, I will help you tap into your authentic tool kit with greater confidence, self-trust and courage.
It’s time to meet your magick. Are you ready, darling?

Are you afraid of your own power?

Do you have a sense of your intuitive gifts, or have you ever been curious about witchcraft or the core essence of your own magick?

But then fear raises its head.
Fear of being rejected by your loved ones if they ever found out…
Fear of taking up too much space…
Fear of getting it wrong…
Fear of the metaphysical realm. It seems too intense, too scary, and you don’t trust yourself to skillfully navigate the unknown without spiraling out of control.
Or maybe you’ve just been waiting for an opportunity to practice using spiritual tools in community. You’ve been waiting for the right coven to appear.
If any of this resonates, you are not alone.

The key questions are:
✨ How can we explore our own flavors of magick, gain self-clarity and trust, and embrace the unknown and the metaphysical realm with unwavering courage, excitement and self-acceptance? 
✨What does it take to REALLY own our magick, and do so with supportive stewardship and a coven of like-minded spiritual practitioners?
✨ And what’s possible when we fully allow ourselves to journey and go deep (for our sense of fulfillment, passions, relationships, career and self clarity)?

This program answers these questions.


Coven Quest

This hybrid group and 1:1 container is offered in support of your spiritual growth, magick refinement and full access to the metaphysical realm’s deep potential. Ten spiritually gifted souls and I will commune over a 90 day cycle, coming together to practice magick, spirituality, engage in channelling, and explore the unseen arts together. We’re going on a quest, an expedition into deep collective remembering and self-discovery of your unique magick. May your personal leveling up be lifted and enriched by the greater collective in this courageous, supportive container.

Welcome to Coven Quest. I’m Jess, your spiritual guide on this expedition.

I am a Medium, Jewitch, Reiki Master and keeper of The Hollow, known best for my uncanny accuracy, and revered for the sacred, safe container I offer courageous seekers. I allow my clients to truly relax, receive, integrate and transform. 

In addition to mediumship and Reiki, I combine multiple healing modalities including crystal work, tarot, candle magick, cord cutting rituals and breath work, making The Hollow a very dynamic, distinct space to support your personal growth and clarity.

But why choose me? Why might you enter The Hollow and partake in Coven Quest? The results are in and the feedback is unanimous. My integrity, masterful facilitation skills, safe practices and ability to hold dark topics with a loving, light touch are undoubtedly what makes me magnetic and rare in the realm of metaphysical healing. Clients report a leveling up, greater clarity, spot on psychic guidance, detoxification, manifestation and expansion often after just one session.

In Coven Quest, I will serve as your spiritual consultant, psychic, Reiki Master, witch and interpreter, delivering messages from your personal spirit guides and creating a supportive group container for you to clarify and develop your spiritual toolkit. In service of the highest good, my goal is to help you navigate the metaphysical realm skillfully and understand your magick with deep clarity and acceptance. I walk these grounds with confidence, comfort and familiarity. I want you to know that, when you travel with me in Coven Quest, you are tethered. You can journey and go deep.


How did Coven Quest come to be?

Like you, I was afraid of my own power. I wasn’t sure what would happen if I opened the flood gates. I was afraid of what and who I would lose if I stepped fully into my own power, and embraced my magick. I want to acknowledge that there’s a grief and loss that comes with ascension, change and abundance (and I experienced this first-hand).

But the thing is that, it was so painful to hide my gifts, to be closeted. The pain of stifling my full expression became bigger than my fear of losing the people I loved, or being rejected by them for embracing my authentic calling. And so I took the plunge.

Once I embraced my full gifts and surrendered to the magick, I unlocked a sense of purpose, fulfillment, connection and alignment beyond my wildest dreams. Today, I love my livelihood, and my relationships. Conflict and uncertainty no longer scare me, because I now have the skills and inner trust to lovingly move through it with humanity and grace. Today, I see, know, and respect myself. As keeper of The Hollow, I now serve on a radical level that’s transformative, healing, and deeply moving for participants in the physical and metaphysical realms.

Did my fears of rejection come true? Some, yes. But the thing is: when your worst nightmares come true and you survive them, you transcend them, and you walk through the flames WITH your tools, and move on no matter what… I wouldn’t trade the resilience and insight gleaned from that process for the WORLD. Who and what I’ve gained is greater. I’ve remembered who I am. I created Coven Quest to support you on YOUR path of transcendence, as you move from uncertainty, hesitancy and fear, to a vibrant, courageous, and loving deep dive into your unique magick inquiry and witchcraft.

Coven Quest is for witches to acknowledge a part of themselves that is both unprecendented and (until now) unsupported.

This is a place for those who have felt the need to hide out, or to dim their own light in order to maintain relationships, safety and acceptance. In Coven Quest, you are not alone in that. In fact, you are welcome because of it. In this container, we’ll uncover and release what is not ours to hold any longer: the voices from our ancestors, parents, culture, or institutions. I’ll guide you through a process of identifying them, getting unstuck, and clearing them. Not only that, but you’ll also learn how to lovingly release control, detach in meaningful ways, and activate play. My goal is to help you clear and cleanse, to ultimately make space for your voice of intuition to arise much quicker and with more potency.

This program includes

  • Offered virtually twice per month for a 90-day cycle, Jess Perlman is providing a curriculum-based group magick container for you to learn new spiritual tools, practice in a powerful community space, as well as integrate your growth and insights throughout the journey. This is your coven. A coven is a group of witches who gather and commune, coming together to practice magic, spirituality, engage in channelling, and the unseen arts together. We’re going on a quest together, an expedition into deep collective remembering and self-discovery of your own magic. Replays and recap included.

  • Much like a Solo Session in The Hollow, this is your space to receive custom support in service of the highest good. I serve as your spiritual consultant, psychic, Reiki Master, witch and interpreter, delivering messages from your personal spirit guides. Each session, your spirit guides and I use the following tools to support you. Here’s what each session can include: Grounding, breathwork, and meditation ; Reiki healing; Chakra tuning; Cord Cutting Ceremonies; In depth Tarot readings’ Candle magick, invocations, incantations; Crystal programming; Spiritual Counseling; Mentorship on ceremonies, spiritual tools and ritualistic living; Channeling, interpreting and translating guidance from spirit; Journaling, synchronicity tracking, intuiting training.

  • I want to make sure you are fully supported as we navigate this 3-month spiritual journey together. That’s why I offer in-between email support and resources, access to a WhatsApp Coven Communication Thread (participation not required) and the option for a 30 minute spot call if you have to miss a group session.


You’ll walk away with

This is for you if…

  • You're brand new, or seasoned (or somewhere in-between)

    If you’re coming into awareness of your gifts for the first time, or you’re an advanced spiritual practitioner, this program will meet you where you are on your spiritual path. Coven Quest format provides group, 1:1 and in-between support to ensure that you have space to take in the magick of the group power, while also exploring a customized approach to your spiritual development. The Hollow is the greater equalizer.

  • You've received the calling

    You know there’s a calling here, and there’s a curiosity, interest and even necessity to go deeper on this path. This program is aligned for those who have a calling within (a voice deep inside), but are scared to explore further, or just haven’t had the container to fully own that power yet. You don’t have to identify as a witch, intuitive or spiritually gifted soul in order to qualify. You DO, however, need to feel ready (and a necessity) to be fully courageous and dive deeper. into the metaphysical realm to clarify and embrace your inner gifts.

  • You're ready to go deep

    You’re ready to be fully courageous and dive deeper into spiritual development. If you’re unfamiliar with the metaphysical realm, don’t feel a personal calling to this work and don’t yet feel committed to go deep in this work, then I recommend starting with a Solo Session in The Hollow.

“Coven Quest was a fully experiential journey allowing participants to learn, grow, and be fully seen by one another. This personal challenge for me to step into my magic couldn’t have happened without the other badass group members, the COVEN, who all supported + championed their fellow witches.

I was able to learn so much from their prior knowledge, feedback, and lived experience. And of course, Jess, who is able to bring endless knowledge, patience, and love into a space making it truly transformative - this is the real magic IMHO.”

Kayla B
Coven Quest Client

The Investment

Option One
Pay In Full: $1,800

Option Two
2 payments of $1000
All payments made prior to the start of the program.

Coven Quest includes:

  • (6) Group sessions (90 min/session) over 90-day cycle

  • (3) Private 1:1 Sessions with Jess Perlman (45 min/session)

  • In-Between Session Support

  • Group Session replays

  • Complimentary Access to the In Person Amenities at The Hollow LA

Darling, once you complete the application form, I will follow up with you regarding next steps within 48 hours. Thank you!

What Clients Are Saying

“I came into Coven Quest as a cynic full of skepticism and fear -- and left Coven Quest as a cynic who is open to the truth of my own magical gifts, able to access a safety and power within myself that I was previously too afraid to even know was there.” 

Participating in Coven Quest with Jess had a palpable positive effect on my life and sense of self that I still experience on a daily basis. Learning from Jess and the community she created opened me up to myself and the world in ways I previously did not have the tools to imagine. I came to Jess with just the barest inkling of belief in myself as a spiritual person, let alone as someone who could access her own magic. But Jess is such a deeply non-judgemental, emotionally supportive, and richly knowledgeable teacher that she gently but surely led me to a new understanding. Through my time in coven quest, I found within myself a power I did not know was there, and began to find answers to questions about that I had long asked. 

As a group we learned concrete information, history, and skills of magic. But Jess also put equal emphasis on fostering a sense of security and joy around owning the magic within each of us. I came into Coven Quest as a cynic full of skepticism and fear -- and left Coven Quest as a cynic who is open to the truth of my own magical gifts, able to access a safety and power within myself that I was previously too afraid to even know was there. 

Jess built and fostered a supportive and warm community of witches at different levels. The group provided care and inspiration to one another which was foundational to the joy and growth we each got from Coven Quest. Jess is a steadfast and comforting leader who placed her trust in each of us. She participated herself in the rituals we held in a way that created an even deeper sense of community, mutual support, and belief. 

Being a part of Coven Quest spurred a spiritual inflection point in my life, and gave me access to a richer plane of communication with myself, and to realms understanding beyond those I could previously see. If you are willing to give yourself over to the process, I cannot imagine a person who would not benefit deeply from Jess’s teachings, spiritual guidance, community building, and formidable gifts.

Thank you Jess, for giving me a map to find home in myself and to find home in the world on all its planes. I feel so happy for all the future students that await you.

-Lio Sigerson
Coven Quest Client


“My session was at the end of April 2021. Emotionally, physically, spiritually - I felt drained and pulled in several different directions (people pleasing, afraid of what others might think or how they would judge me based purely on my feelings/reactions to things, afraid of not having all the answers/having it all together). I had been taking care of my grandfather with rapidly advancing Alzheimer's 3 days a week and working full time - a lot on my plate. I felt like a sponge for everyone else's emotions and there wasn't room for my own (so much chaos with family and the heartbreaking disease). I felt (feel) underappreciated and underpaid at work, always being "in service of ". My session with Jess actually helped me identify and pinpoint a lot of these feelings as I'd been compartmentalizing and in survival mode for months. In candle magic, saying out loud that I'd like detachment from others' feelings, peace and relaxation and "I am enough" was huge for me. The second two have been a bit harder but detaching my ability to loosen the attachment from others' feelings has actually been really helpful since then. I'm noticing where I end and others begin. The spell may be working!” 


“I love Jess's ability to meet you where you are with warmth, humor and realness. The Hollow is a safe space to open channels and realize and say what you actually need. In my case, it's a lot of inner child stuff, apparently! 

I was prompted to set up this session because, in spending so much time caring for my sick grandfather, I did feel stuck between worlds (which worlds I'm not sure) so I did want to see if there was insight into that. I was surprised that my childhood dog showed up. That was a nice surprise because my grandpa loved him. 

No fears, just curiosity. Am still curious and would like to dive deeper!

The stuck between worlds part is what brought me to Jess and The Hollow. I don't believe I figured that out yet but I do think that the release from feeling other people's feelings, while a process, has been a huge weight lifted. There was so much support for my inner child and encouragement to use and exercise my true voice, which are needs I don't think I fully recognized until my session with Jess. 

I would absolutely recommend any session with Jess! I wasn't necessarily looking to connect with anyone on the other side and was more interested in a way-finding session. I did get to connect with and recognize my own sense of spirituality through this session with Jess at the Hollow. 

You are great and I'd love to work with you again!”

-Siobhan Heneghan


  • That’s okay! We are building a coven over the course of a 90 day cycle, so your live attendance is strongly encouraged. However, you’re welcome to sign up even if you need to miss some live sessions. All 6 sessions will be recorded and the replays will be emailed to you after each session. There’s also other portals of support for you to tap into in this program, including your (3) private 1:1 sessions with Jess Perlman, as well as the in-between session support. All of these components come together to support you with integration, consistent practice and navigating what comes up along the way.

  • These sessions will be offered live in the early evening (4pm or 5pm PT) to accommodate east and west coast participants. Stay tuned for the exact time! We’ll email you shortly with that detail once it becomes firm.

  • During business hours, you will receive email support, spot calls as needed, tarot pulls as well as reiki, as needed.

    As called upon, Jess Perlman will send you inspirational materials, resources, outside tools, articles, as well as books to support you.

  • No supplies needed in order to get started! As you go through Coven Quest, you’ll develop clarity about what tools, resources and supplies you may want to integrate into your spiritual tool kit.

  • This program is aligned for those who have a calling within (a voice deep inside), but are scared to explore further, or just haven’t had the container to fully own that power yet. You don’t have to identify as a witch, intuitive or spiritually gifted soul in order to qualify. You DO, however, need to feel ready (and a necessity) to be fully courageous and dive deeper. into the metaphysical realm to clarify and embrace your inner gifts.

  • If you’re unfamiliar with the metaphysical realm, don’t feel a personal calling to this work, or don’t yet feel committed to go deep in this work, then this program is not aligned for you at this time. I recommend that you start with a Solo Session. I invite you to learn more and apply for a Solo Session here.


  • "Communicating with these spirits brought me so much joy - I felt so connected with life."begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.

    “I’ve always enjoyed sessions with mediums and I feel a deep fondness for all things spiritual. But I have never had such a meaningful session as the one I had with Jess. When she asked me to reach out to any of my spirit guides, I felt called to reach out to my own spirit, my grandfather’s spirit, and my grandmother’s. She communicated with my grandparents, and found that the third spirit was playful and so funny, and recently came to existence. We had connected with my nephew! This is someone who I have felt a deep connection with since he was born two years ago. She confirmed that he and I are soulmates, which felt so true and special, and made sense as to why his spirit showed up when I had reached out for my own spirit. Communicating with these spirits brought me so much joy - I felt so connected with life. I also felt so much love and acceptance through my time with Jess.

    Jess also helped me identify goals and areas of my life that I wanted to let go of. I found myself crying tears of pain, joy, and relief throughout our session. It was very healing and lovely. I felt very safe, seen, and validated throughout my time with Jess. I know it is just the beginning for me in my journey, though I plan to return for additional sessions with her and I know that I’ll feel called to do so again in the near future. I would highly recommend sessions with Jess to anyone who is looking to more deeply connect with themselves and with their spirituality.”

    -Jess M.

  • "Because of her, I got to meet the one grandmother that passed before I was born that I felt like would have been my best friend had she been alive."

    “I came to Jess because she was recommended by a friend who had nothing but amazing reviews. I felt like I was living my life without much thought - like I was just going through the motions. I wasn't aware that I wasn't really aware of myself and I was slowly starting to gain interest in exploring avenues to start changing that. I'm not religious, but I am lightly spiritual and I believe I found Jess at the right time.

    What I loved about my session with Jess was how open she was. She was very personable and really catered to your needs and wants. The fact that the session is different for everyone tells me she truly pays attention to what's going on with you and makes sure you get what you need. I've seen her twice now and both sessions were extremely different but both felt like it was a specially catered and needed experience.

    I won't lie, before I came to Jess, I was a bit skeptical about everything. I didn't know that I would believe anything she would say but as the session went on, I was pleasantly surprised. Now, Jess can read a lot of things but I didn't believe that she could read minds. So I was surprised when she said things that she possibly couldn't have known which made my experience all the more special. Because of her, I got to meet the one grandmother that passed before I was born that I felt like would have been my best friend had she been alive. Jess has also provided me with incredible insight to my situations and has helped me cope with them in much better ways.

    I would absolutely recommend having a session with Jess because if you're not much of a believer, you will become one after a session with her!”

    -Jess P

  • "Today, Jess is my church. The space we create together is my place of worship. It’s where I come back to myself, again, and again, and again."

    “My life was in shambles when I first found Jess. I mean, break-up-job ending-physical injury-you gotta get surgery and you just relapsed-kind of shambles. The shambles enchilada, if you will.

    Jess and I met when a mutual friend of ours brought a group of us together for an incantation night. That night, I should really say, Jess found me. Her gifts as a medium were immediately undeniable. Having just met me, she connected with an ancestor of mine who was beckoning to help me through the tornado that was my life at the time. What Jess was relaying made it clear that she would be the one to help me through this period. I’m not new to the world of spirit, I come from a long line of very tapped in women. I didn’t need an introduction, I needed a spiritual doula who could help get me through a rebirth life was so vehemently pushing me to.

    Jess was that and continues to be that. In a capitalist society, I think spiritual mentors are more often marketed as people who will help you learn how to manifest your dream house, dream job, your future spouse. After a decade of grueling manifestation, I had most of that— my life was in shambles because despite my material world, my soul was starved for spiritual connection. In the first three months we spent together, Jess and I embarked on a journey of reconnection— she helped guide me back to myself, back to ancestors I’d long neglected, and back to my body.

    Today, Jess is my church. The space we create together is my place of worship. It’s where I come back to myself, again, and again, and again. I’m more embodied because of my time with Jess. I’m more in tune because of my time with Jess. I’m more divinely myself because of my time with Jess. I try to gift everyone I love time with Jess so they can experience the same blessings. In short, I’ll be a metamorphosis client of hers as long as she’ll have me.”

    -Priscila Garcia-Jacquier

The foundation for your magick to unfold is here.

Commune with us in this powerful community space. Your coven awaits.

Darling, once you complete the application form, I will follow up with you regarding next steps within 48 hours. Thank you!