
Your private, custom 6 month spiritual healing and growth journey
Led by Jess Perlman, Keeper of The Hollow

It’s time to catalyze radical change.

This is not a typical coaching experience. Over the course of a 6 month cycle, I’ll take you through a process designed for increasing your self-clarity, helping you cleanse, clear and heal old trauma, wounds and blockages, and actualize your heart’s authentic vision and purpose for your life. I’ll bring in various spiritual tools including magick, Reiki, mediumship, tarot and more, to facilitate the emergence of your soul’s deepest calling and healing.

Let me guide you toward an unshakeable reverence for the adventure that this life truly is. This is your portal for metamorphosis, for your shedding and true becoming. Are you ready, darling?

Change is upon you. Are you ready to courageously answer the inner calling?

Are you feeling confused about who you are, what you stand for, and how to move forward in your life today?

Are you ready to TRULY know yourself - on a mental, physical, emotional and spiritual level?

Are you going through a life change, navigating loss, or moving into a new career (and you're looking to be guided through this season with radical love, reverence and grace)?

Are you feeling stuck, blocked, or experiencing energetic friction (and desiring a radical cleansing, clearing, healing and integration process to help you compassionately break through)?

Perhaps you’re super clear on what you want to create in the world, and you’re ready to refine your own tools and practices of magick in support of actualizing your vision. You’re in manifestation mode.
If any of this resonates, you’re in the right place.



A potent 1:1 program designed to support you at any stage of your healing, transformation and manifestation. Come as you are, darling. It’s time to break through.

- Develop Clarity on All Levels -
- Cleanse, Clear and Heal -
- Remove Energetic Blockages -
- Heal Trauma -
- Manifest Your Vision + Purpose -
- Activate Radical Transformation -

Welcome to Metamorphosis. I’m Jess, your spiritual guide on this intimate journey.

I am a Medium, Jewitch, Reiki Master and keeper of The Hollow, known best for my uncanny accuracy, and revered for the sacred, safe container I offer courageous seekers. I allow my clients to truly relax, receive, integrate and transform. 

In addition to mediumship and Reiki, I combine multiple healing modalities including crystal work, tarot, candle magick, cord cutting rituals and breath work, making The Hollow a very dynamic, distinct space to support your personal growth and clarity.

I hold your healing journey with deep respect. In The Hollow, I create safe conditions so that you can go deep into the mystery, with courage and trust. My integrity, masterful facilitation skills, safe practices and ability to hold dark topics with a loving, light touch are undoubtedly what makes me magnetic and rare in the realm of metaphysical healing. Clients report a leveling up, greater clarity, spot on psychic guidance, detoxification, manifestation and expansion often after just one session.

In Metamorphosis, I will serve as your spiritual consultant, psychic, Reiki Master, witch and interpreter, delivering messages from your personal spirit guides and creating a supportive space for you to gain clarity, heal and manifest. In service of the highest good, my goal is to help you tap into the metaphysical realm and embrace spiritual resources on your journey of healing and transformation. I walk these grounds with confidence, comfort and familiarity. I want you to know that, when you travel with me in The Hollow, you are tethered. You can journey and go deep.

This program includes

  • This is your space to receive custom support in service of the highest good, whether you’re in need of gaining clarity, clearing blocked energy, healing trauma, navigating loss, or manifesting your life’s vision. In these sessions, I serve as your spiritual consultant, psychic, Reiki Master, witch and interpreter, delivering messages from your personal spirit guides. Each session, your spirit guides and I use the following tools to support you. Here’s what each session can include: Grounding, breathwork, and meditation ; Reiki healing; Chakra tuning; Cord Cutting Ceremonies; In depth Tarot readings’ Candle magick, invocations, incantations; Crystal programming; Spiritual Counseling; Mentorship on ceremonies, spiritual tools and ritualistic living; Channeling, interpreting and translating guidance from spirit; Journaling, synchronicity tracking, intuiting training.

  • Perhaps you’re craving some monthly moon magick or we channeled a custom ritual during your 90 minute session that will amplify our work - this is your time to practice your spirituality, virtual or in person.

  • I want to make sure you are fully supported as we navigate this multi-month spiritual journey together. That’s why I offer spot card pulls and the option to utilize in between session text support during work hours. This is great way to support and accelerate your integration process, whether you’re navigating a career change, grieving a loss, healing an old wound, or taking empowered steps toward your NEW vision. Life is in session, and I want to help you leverage the moments in-between our time together to truly catalyze transformation.

  • 30 minutes before or after any of your sessions, you’re welcome to enjoy the privacy of the garden, have a soak in the hot tub and a refreshing shower to cleanse, charge with the crystals on the reiki table and/or have The Hollow entirely to yourself. Enjoy and integrate, my darling!


This program is not just about healing and receiving.

Metamorphosis is a collaborative journey, where you’ll learn how to dance with the forces of nature so that you’re fully empowered in co-creation. You are at the helm of your transformation.

Here’s what clients are reporting

- Greater relief and emotional peace -
- Increased courage, confidence, and empowerment -
- Ability to process emotions, powered by spiritual tools -
- Greater self-clarity across all parts of the soul, including mental, physical, emotional and spiritual realms -
- Feeling lighter, free and a sense of closure -
- Less resistance, anxiety, and fear -
- Tapped into creative flows, stability and ritual -
- Reclaimed core parts of themselves that were tainted by trauma, loss or change -
- Re-energized and re-inspired -
- Resiliently navigate significant life changes and come into a new level of acceptance, appreciation and radical reverence -
- Break out into projects that they were hiding from (with love and momentum) -
- Finally go beyond the limits they’ve set for themselves (and embrace creative roles, new careers, and that new chapter waiting in the wings) -

“After a few sessions in The Hollow, I’ve quantum leaped and healed astronomically, and have become a six figure earner in the last month after integrating the work we did in Metamorphosis.”

I came to Metamorphosis wanting to work on my money wounds and release ancestral trauma around money. I had no idea that this could be achieved through spiritual work, I thought I was doomed to spreadsheets and budgets for the rest of my life. But after a few sessions in The Hollow, I've quantum leaped and healed astronomically, and have become a six figure earner in the last month after integrating the work we did in Metamorphosis.

My favorite part of working with Jess in the Metamorphosis container was that every time we met, I walked away with new actions, rituals, and spells that felt specific to me. Sometimes coaches will give clients canned worksheets or homework items that don't feel like they're specifically tailored to my goals and my needs, but Jess channels things through both her spirit guides and her clients', which makes for incredibly personal systems for me to put into place in my personal life, my business, and my creative endeavors.

If you're a fledgling witch looking for new tools, or a person with a mind full of old stories around self worth, or even a spiritual baddie with over a decade of experience in the healing arts, Metamorphosis will radically shift things for you. Every time I met with Jess in The Hollow for a session, incredible things would happen within 48 hours of working together. I hope you take this plunge. I'm so glad I did.”

-Rivkah Reyes
Metamorphosis Client


“My life was in shambles when I first found Jess. I mean, break-up-job ending-physical injury-you gotta get surgery and you just relapsed-kind of shambles. The shambles enchilada, if you will.


Jess and I met when a mutual friend of ours brought a group of us together for an incantation night. That night,  I should really say, Jess found me.  Her gifts as a medium were immediately undeniable. Having just met me, she connected with an ancestor of mine who was beckoning to help me through the tornado that was my life at the time. What Jess was relaying made it clear that she would be the one to help me through this period.  I’m not new to the world of spirit, I come from a long line of very tapped in women. I didn’t need an introduction, I needed a spiritual doula who could help get me through a rebirth life was so vehemently pushing me to. Jess was that and continues to be that. In a capitalist society, I think spiritual mentors are more often marketed as people who will help you learn how to manifest your dream house, dream job, your future spouse. After a decade of grueling manifestation, I had most of that— my life was in shambles because despite my material world, my soul was starved for spiritual connection. In the first three months we spent together, Jess and I embarked on a journey of reconnection— she helped guide me back to myself, back to ancestors I’d long neglected, and back to my body. Today, Jess is my church. The space we create together is my place of worship. It’s where I come back to myself, again, and again, and again. I’m more embodied because of my time with Jess. I’m more in tune because of my time with Jess. I’m more divinely myself because of my time with Jess. I try to gift everyone I love time with Jess so they can experience the same blessings. In short, I’ll be a metamorphosis client of hers as long as she’ll have me.”

- Priscila Garcia-Jacquier
Metamorphosis Client

This is for you if…

What Clients Are Saying


“In the recent days since our final session of my three-month Metamorphosis, I have felt overwhelming growth, gratitude, openness, and empowerment reflecting on our work and pondering on how I go forward.


“First off, I feel so lucky to have been able to work with Jess when I did- going through a number of intense physical, emotional, and relational shifts that required more than my typical mental spiral and closed-off analysis. While I didn’t necessarily see it at first, realizing how I found comfort in one answer rather than curiosity and exploration of that out of my control was the key to my mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual freedom. So many toxic thought processes and habits have been recognized and extracted from my life already,  and in replacement healing as well as ease in approaching conflict. I feel empowered to address issues, or at the very least, recognize my tendency and desire to run away from things that scare or exhaust me. I feel that I am on a truly powerful path that has already begun to change my life and will continue to for the rest of it. All of this is thanks to Jess. Her love, curated environment, and healthy work allow me to push boundaries and ask questions that have been nothing short of revolutionary. 
- Chloe Taufer
Metamorphosis Client

“I went from a place of confusion to a place of clear vision, and suddenly found myself trusting my instincts and the unfolding of my life on a whole new level.”

I was feeling pretty stuck when I first came to The Hollow. I knew what I wanted from my career but didn't know how to get it. Not much shifted externally (at least not immediately) during my time with Jess, but the work set me on a path toward making the changes I needed to make in my life with clarity and faith. I went from a place of confusion to a place of clear vision, and suddenly found myself trusting my instincts and the unfolding of my life on a whole new level. Today, I am much closer to my vision as a result of this inner-trust and the actions it has helped me to take. 

Jess is warm, so loving, and extremely intuitive. I feel incredibly safe with her, and therefore able to open. The reiki work was particularly healing-- I always left feeling that layer upon layer of stress and dissatisfaction had been removed. I could soften and breathe. 

The tools I learned with Jess continue to support me. I feel more in touch with the natural world and more willing and able to reach out to forces beyond me for help and guidance. As a result, I feel more a part of my world, less alone, more filled with love. I'm very grateful for this change in perspective, and I'm so glad to have found it with the truly magical being that is Jess Perlman.”

Metamorphosis Client

“Taking the Metamorphosis series with Jess was literally an awesome experience.

Going into it, I didn't know what to expect.  I didn't have enough self-awareness to know what questions to ask or even what issues I wanted to focus on.  

Jess had the ability to get to the crux of issues that were preventing me from being a fuller "me."  I was able to identify the low-level anxiety I had been living with 

and the self-criticism which would oftentimes result in feelings of guilt.  With the simple tools she provided me, I was able to overcome much of the negative talk going on in my head.  That's where the "magic" came in.  I was provided daily exercises which helped me feel grounded.  

Jess has a wonderful way of expressing herself, and she exudes much empathy, compassion, and wisdom.  I feel that I came away three months later with a better understanding of who I am.  A metamorphosis took  place.  I highly recommend her Metamorphosis series.  If you're like me, you'll be surprised by what you come away with.  It truly is magical. 

I love you, Jess. Many, many thanks.”

- Ruth Perez
Metamorphosis Client

The Investment

6-Month Program
Pay Monthly: $497 or

Pay in Full: $2687 (Save 10%)

Metamorphosis includes:

  • (1) Private 1:1 session (90 min/session) per month with Jess Perlman

  • (1) 45 min ritual session per month with Jess Perlman

  • Spot card pulls and psychic messaging

  • In-between session text and email support

  • Channeled, customized resources

  • Complimentary access to the in person amenities at The Hollow LA

Darling, once you complete the application form, I will follow up with you regarding next steps within 48 hours. Thank you!


  • You arrive to session, tuning into your intuition and downloading the incantation or intention available for that day. Together, we collaborate and identify that intuitive content. From there, I’ll bring in the aligned spiritual tools to meet you where you are (ranging from channeling, tarot, reiki, and more).

  • Scheduling your private sessions is a flexible process. You’ll work with Jess Perlman to schedule your 90 minute sessions at a time that mutually aligns.

  • Unless you have medical issues, I do ask that you arrive to your session on time, ready to go. If you need to reschedule your session, please reach out to me via email at 24 hours prior to your session. Same day cancelations will result in a $50 cancellation fee and sessions will not resume until payment is complete.

  • During business hours, you will receive email support, 1 30 minute spot call/month that may include tarot pulls and reiki, as needed.

    As called upon, Jess Perlman will send you inspirational materials, resources, outside tools, articles, as well as books to support you.

  • No supplies needed in order to get started! As you go through the program, you’ll develop clarity about what tools, resources and supplies you may want to integrate into your spiritual tool kit.

  • If you’re trying to prove something, cause harm or manipulate others, then this program is not for you. We do NOT do manipulative magick in The Hollow, nor do we work with toxic positivity. This is personal, positive magick, with the intention to hold the dark, light and everything in-between with respect and integrity.

  • Stewarded by Jess Perlman (Medium, Jewitch, Reiki Master and keeper of The Hollow) this is the universally protected energetic sacred space designed for you to commune with spirit and receiving channeled healing. This is a space soaked in ritual. Get ready to receive customized readings, energy healings, attunements, guidance and ritualistic tools to support your optimal living, and your more authentic expression. The Hollow is inclusive, compassionate, virtually accessible and globally available. All curious souls seeking healing, connection, understanding and magick are welcome. Whether you’re looking for greater clarity, transformation, restoration, detoxification, or manifestation, The Hollow is designed to hold you and steward you forward.

  • No need to have experience in The Hollow, or the metaphysical realm, in order to join and benefit from Metamorphosis. Whether you’ve been with me in The Hollow before, or this is your first time, this is your space to tap into power, connection, release, relief, and pure magick. I work only in the highest good of all, in love and light.

  • Radical change and transformation happens over time (not necessarily in a single session). With nature and magick, we focus on cycles and seasons. So a 6 month cycle offers you deep, intimate, customized spiritual healing and growth, with an emphasis on catalyzing radical change. The Reiki and healing elements, mixed with magick and mediumship, culminate in an accelerated growth process that makes space for your needed integration.

Offered only in the highest good of all.