Reiki Training

Levels I, II, + III with Jess Perlman


Want to learn more about this program and see if it’s right for you?
The investment for a Reiki Training is $500 per level.
Click below to apply for an Alignment Call with me.
I’m looking forward to connecting with you, darling!


Universal life force energy
for all.

If you’re looking to deepen your self-healing journey, as well as
gain the capacity to provide healing energy to others, then you’re in the right place. I provide 1:1 and group Reiki trainings multiple times per year across all three levels. Reiki is a Japanese method for energizing healing using universal life force energy via the hands. This can be provided in-person as well as virtually, offering a flexible and accessible portal of healing service to yourself and others.


    Hands On Healing


    Distance Healing


    Mastership. Apply Reiki as well as attune and teach others.

How It Works

Healing on mental, emotional, physical and spiritual levels, Reiki is just as powerful as any other alternative medicine healing.

Reiki is potent for healing trauma, past life wounds, as well as breaking generational cycles and patterns. This healing modality can actually break karmic cycles from repeating in future lives.

In order to become a Reiki practitioner, you need attunement from a Reiki Master. That’s where I come in. Once you receive the attunement, you will have the capacity to open your channel to heal yourself, others and the world.

Reiki trainings are offered consecutively, one level at a time. There is an integration period in-between, to support the healer at each attunement level. Prepare for high levels of self-healing after receiving an attunement, and make space for practicing what you’ve learned. I believe that this incremental skill building approach is vital for effective integration to take place.

The investment for a Reiki Training is $500 per level.


Jess' approach to teaching was professional, student-centered, welcoming, and adaptive.

“I was called to Reiki training with Jess to continue my Reiki learning that I started a few years back from another teacher. She is a true Reiki Master and by the end of Reiki II and III training, empowered me to believe that I was, too.

Jess' approach to teaching was professional, student-centered, welcoming, and adaptive. There were many instances where I needed clarification and I never felt rushed or restricted from asking questions. The training involved both theoretical and hands-on instruction, which suited my learning style. If you want someone who passes on this gift with the highest reverence, then learn Reiki with Jess Perlman.”

Kyle Fujisawa
Reiki Training Student

My Story

Welcome, darling. I’m Jess Perlman, keeper of the Hollow. I’m glad you’re here.

My journey into the world of Reiki begins with my beloved Bob.

I was led to this healing modality by my sick cat back in 2016, as he fell ill and transitioned from this realm. I felt so powerless, and wanted to find a way to support him directly. So, I became Reiki attuned. From there, I was able to do hands on and distance healing with him, offering him relief and a felt sense of connection at a pivotal time in his life (and mine).

I was able to open my channel and communicate with my cat in new, powerful ways. And so it began.

And then something unexpected happened. Reiki opened up my mediumship, and invited me into a new chapter of magick and service.

Reiki gave me the safety that I needed in order to open up to mediumship. You see, I was really scared to open that channel because I didn’t know how to protect myself. So, I avoided mediumship for years.

I believe that my Reiki attunements and the protection from my Reiki Masters in my lineage created the safety for me to pursue mediumship.

Today, I serve at the intersection of mediumship and healing. I bring the protection and gentleness of Reiki into my mediumship work, offering my clients a safe, contained and courageous space to explore and heal.

Reiki has given me so much abundance. It’s changed my own process of self-regulation, empowering me to create custom rituals for my mental, physical and spiritual health. It gave me access to my spirit guides. It’s helped me learn about my own lineage and the power of who I am.

It’s led me to you. I’m grateful to support you on your own path of self-healing and supporting others. If Reiki training resonates with you, and you’d like to learn about my trainings and how to get started, click below and apply for a complimentary alignment session with me. Let’s explore, darling.


This is for you if…


You want to diversify your skill set

Reiki training is for you if you work with your hands for a living and want to differentiate yourself in the marketplace. However, no matter your industry, Reiki can enhance your capacity to serve and support your clients. Industries in which Reiki can be integrated include (but are not limited to) gynecology, midwifery, coaching, doulas, tattoo artists, teachers, massage therapists, parents and more.

You want a potent mind, body, spirit support system

If you have anxiety, trauma, depression or need emotional or physiological regulation tools, Reiki is a great skill set to add to your own toolbox. You can apply Reiki to yourself or others in support of mind, body, spirit integration and well-being.

You are a parent and want to support you family

Reiki offers you a great way to model how to support yourself and tune into your body. Not only that, but you can also apply Reiki to your family members and children.

You want to support the climate crisis

This is such a beautiful way to do your part at this pivotal time on our planet. I invite you to get Reiki attuned and start touching the planet, in support of collective healing and repair.

You’re a compassionate pet owner

If you are a pet owner and want agency to support your animal through illness or end-of-live, then Reiki is a beautiful and gentle healing modality.

Jess really knows her stuff and taught me so much in just a few hours.

“I was called to become a Reiki healer shortly after I met Jess. To be honest, when I decided to seek this training out, I was nervous and unsure if I had it in me to learn Reiki.

Luckily, with Jess as my trainer, I now feel confident and well versed in all things Reiki! I will forever be grateful that she is my teacher.

From the second she walked into my home, she made me feel so comfortable and answered every question I had. We had a very powerful Reiki I training session. Jess really knows her stuff and taught me so much in just a few hours. I am looking forward to continuing my education with her for Reiki II and III training. I cannot recommend Jess enough!”

Alanna Norwood
Reiki Training Student