Clear, Open, Ready

Watch the complimentary video down below…


The Alignment Call is a private, complimentary 1:1 zoom call at The Hollow.
Learn more about this session below!


Reveler: God, Spirit, Universal Energy,
Thank you for another glorious day of breath and life force. 
Today we relish the sacred pause.

Believer: Today we hold space for the anger and grief that lie within. 

Reveler: Today we release self-loathing, shame and contraction. 

Believer: Today we embrace unconditional self worthiness, loving kindness and expansion. 

Reveler: Today we take pleasure and find peace in the here and now. 

Believer: Today we hold sacred the honor of helping others.

Reveler:: Today we hold sacred the freedom of forgiveness.

Believer: Today we celebrate the spirituality of imperfection.

Reveler: Today we humble ourselves in honest reflection.

Believer: Today we embrace the great mystery and finally, today we revere this life for the for the adventure that it is.

Together: For the highest good of all. 

Reveler: And so it is.

Believer: And so it is.

The Reverence Prayer

Let’s Dive Deeper

Congrats my darling! We called in clarity, openness and readiness and our incantation was confirmed and supported by our tarot pull. Way to make magick!

Now, I’d like to invite you to explore opportunities to dig deeper with me, if you feel called to. Click below to apply for an Alignment Call with me.

My Alignment Calls are private, complimentary 1:1 sessions at The Hollow with me, Jess Perlman (keeper of The Hollow).

By applying for this call, you’re embarking on a beautiful integration of what came through for you in the video ritual. You’ll get a chance to share more about your vision at this time of your life, as well as hear more about my services.

If you’re looking for greater clarity, deeper trust, and to be received and held in a highly supportive spiritual container, then I invite you to explore what’s possible.


Here’s what clients have to say